
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Chapter seven - Unblending for spiritual progress
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
In this chapter I am reading about the first steps in learning about 'inner disciling' as an effective method of personal spiritul growth. You may be shocked to hear how much our culture has taught us to 'blend' everything about us into one thing. But the Bible dosesn't say that! The Bible says you are complicated and multifaceted (just like God).
Don't take my word for it, study Romans Chapter five through eight and see if you can find any mention of Satan. Paul is helping us nderstand OUR sinful nature, and Jesus showed us a way to work with it. This has become known in my book as 'inner discipling'. It is Jesus own way forwards and he left it for us to learn from and practice.

Thursday Jun 22, 2023
What is my authentic state?
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
One of the main questions I get when teaching this Biblical approach is "how do I know when I am in my authentic state"? In this episode we take a look at what Jesus teaches about this, how to understand it, and how to relate it to the Kingdom of God.
This episode is a supplement to the episode on 'Everything starts with your state'. So maybe check that out first. Once you understand the primacy of your state in the context of your progress, then this episode will make more sense to you.
Blessings and I hope you get a lot from this. Leave me a message if you want your church or charity to get involved with this approach. We can set up training days for you, online or meeting together.

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Client Interview
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Here is an interview with a client I have been working with over the last two years. It includes a section on what the issue was and what this clint had tried. It also includes what was challenging and different about this approach. Finally, we talk about what is happening now and some of the exciting things in the future.
This would be useful for anyone considering trying this approach. Especially if you think you have tried all the alternatives! This is not a medical approach, so it's not based on psychology or psychiatry. It is based on neuroscience and the advances that have been made recently in our understanding of the human condition. I hope you get a lot from this but if you want to discuss any of these ideas further, send me an email to info@davecoopercounselling.org.uk. I offer a free assessment session.

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
My new book - Inner Discipling
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
In this excerpt we are entering the main idea of the book and its method. Inner Discipling is the idea of taking Jesus' work with the Disciples and reproducing this teaching internally.
I am also touching on the therapy method of growth. It's a process I have used for many years and helps us make a good start on the progress we want to make.

Monday Feb 13, 2023
My new book - working with your parts
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
So here we are at the heart of this approach! It is at this stage that we begin the real journey! I am reading from another section of the book and offer an exercise that I often use with my clients. Remember to be patient with yourself as you try this. It is very typical for people to revert back to the medical model when they start.
This is because we are saturated in this iew of ourselves and it is often the only way we can think of making sense of ourselves. Don't worry! This is a journey and you ahave made a start.

Friday Jan 20, 2023
My new book - Your relationship with yourself
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
In this section I am reading from the last part of the book before we get into the main method. So there is a lot of emphasis on the relationship with yourself. Unless we get the relationship with ourselves right, we cannot hope to create the type of inner harmony needed to make spiritual progress.
Whatever your issues, making progress in your inner life will help you to outgrow them.

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
My New Book - The medical Model
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
In this section of the book, I am looking at the contrast between how the medical model defimes us, and who the Bible says we are. You may be shocked to find, not only how much of your thinking about yourself is based on mans wisdom, but how much of these ideas have got into the Churches teaching.
Never before have we had the tools that neuroscience offers us. It is clear to me that in this way science is now catching up with the Bible by proving what the Bible says about us. That we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that we are Gods masterpiece.

Friday Dec 30, 2022
My New Book - The Prodigal
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
In this third session, I am reading from the main body of the book which covers the dysfunctional pattern that I see every day in my work. The same pattern that Jesus was talking about in Luke 15, the famous Parable of the Lost Son.
It's a long episode so I don't add much to the reading, except to underline things from my own experience and to highlight the difference between the Biblical approach and the Medical approach.
Hope you get something from it. You will be able to preorder the Book early in the New Year.

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
My New Book - Healing
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Here is the second episode in the series 'My New Book' which gives me an opportunity to introduce the book as well as speak to some of the ideas covered by the content.
In this eposode we are looking at making a clear distinction between healing - which comes from God, and recovering or growing - which comes from you! There are also a few things that might just challenge you as a Christian and what you have been taught. Enjoy!

Monday Nov 28, 2022
My new book - Intro
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
In this new series I am reading from a copy of my new book. The working title is 'I'm a Christian, so why am i still...'. I want you to add your own ending to this title. If there are still things that irritate you about yourself, and this doesn't have to be outright addiction or dependence! Then this book will be for you. We hope to make this book available in the Spring of 2023 but, until then, I wll be reading from it and speaking to some of the ideas. Enjoy!